Icxela Internal Fitness Testing

Why test your gut?

Because it affects everything you do.

When your gut health is out of balance, the effect is more than just a stomach ache - it changes how you feel, how you sleep, how you manage stress and chronic health conditions, how much energy you have, and even the types of food you crave.

The Ixcela Internal Fitness at-home finger prick blood test identifies levels of 11 key markers in your gut called gut metabolites. This will provide critical insight into how your lifestyle choices and habits are affecting 5 areas of internal health.

  • Gastrointestinal Fitness

    Gastrointestinal Fitness

    This reflects the gut microbiome’s ability to break down food through digestive processes, support the health of the intestinal wall, and maintain a diverse population of beneficial microorganisms.

  • Immuno Fitness

    Immuno Fitness

    This is the body’s ability to fight off illness and infection. The gut supports the immune system by maintaining immune cells (gut-associated lymphoid tissue) that line the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Emotional Balance

    Emotional Balance

    This reflects overall well-being and how well the body manages stress. The gut microbiome plays a role in mood, behavior, and how well someone responds to stressful conditions.

  • Cognitive Acuity

    Cognitive Acuity

    This is the ability to think clearly and maintain focus. The gut microbiome helps to regulate various hormones, neurotransmitters, and signaling molecules that affect and support cognitive function.

  • Energetic Efficiency

    Energetic Efficiency

    This is the body’s ability to break down and convert food into energy to support exercise, activities of daily living, and physical performance. The gut microbiome plays a role in breaking down and synthesizing nutrients.

This test is for you if…

  • you are facing a weight loss plateau, or you are constantly battling cravings.

  • you are struggling with “gut stuff” such as bloating, cramping, constipation or other GI discomforts.

  • you are a working professional who needs to be at peak cognitive ability and effortlessly manage stress.

  • you are committed to preventative care and need a tool to guide you in your health journey.

  • you are seeking additional support to manage poor sleep or stress.

  • you have done everything you can to manage your chronic health condition and are still not seeing any results.

Ixcela fitness test kit

Use the Ixcela test to take the guesswork out of how to start optimizing your health.

Programs & Pricing

Kickstart Assessment

Understand what your body needs and get guidance on how to get started. This program includes a 15-minute introduction/orientation session prior to shipping your test kit and a 60-minute results review session once your test results are in where you will receive targeted lifestyle and nutrition recommendations.

Cash-pay rate: $475 (includes 1 Ixcela Test Kit + sales tax and nutrition counseling session)

12 Weeks to Vibrancy and Vitality Program

This 12-week program includes 1 Ixcela test, one-to-one guidance and accountability via 7 virtual visits with Imashi and unlimited chat support, daily food and lifestyle tracker, personalized nutrition, mindfulness and fitness recommendations, as well as specific recipes to transform your health.

Learn more here.

Cash-pay rate: $1850* (3-month payment plan available)

*Optional add-on 2nd Ixcela test at week 9 to evaluate progress made toward improving internal health for an additional $300.

Add-on Ixcela Test

Add-on an Ixcela test to any follow-up nutrition session. Private-pay clients save 15% off nutrition counseling sessions.

Cash-pay rate: $300 (includes 1 Ixcela test kit + sales tax)

Please note that this test is only available for clients currently residing in the USA.

The cost of this test may be covered by your HSA. Call your HSA plan to confirm.